2019 Louisiana Runoff Election

Voting Day is November 16, 2019

John Bel Edwards

LUCHA PAC endorses current Gov. John Bel Edwards to be re-elected as governor because of his fight for better education, fair pay for teachers, Medicaid, and dedication to coastal restoration and protection.

You can find out more at https://johnbelforlouisiana.com/

Hans Liljeberg

LUCHA PAC endorses Judge Liljeberg for the Louisiana Supreme Court due his experience as a civil attorney, prosecutor, district judge and appeals court judge .

You can find out more at https://www.electliljeberg.com/

Kia Sherman

LUCHA PAC endorses Kia Sherman because of her focus on investing and reforming Louisiana infrastructures, small businesses, and criminal justice reform.

You can find out more at https://keasherman.com/